Amy’s Cholesterol Success Story with Step One Foods

During a visit to her doctor in the Spring of 2022, Amy was shocked to learn that her bloodwork revealed elevated cholesterol levels.
“I am, by some definitions, a health nut, and my good diet and exercise routine has reaped me great results with good blood pressure, blood sugar, and body weight,” she said. “I live by the “nothing tastes as good as feeling good feels” mantra!”
Concerned about the effect that high cholesterol could have on her overall health, she consulted with a nurse practitioner, who recommended that she try Step One Foods since she wasn’t a candidate for statins due to only having high cholesterol, but no other risk factors.
Adjusting lifestyle and diet first
While intrigued about Step One Foods, Amy decided to commit to lowering her cholesterol on her own.
“Instead of trying Step One Foods, I decided to get even more diligent with my diet and exercise program, feeling like I could move that cholesterol number down,” she said. “Even though many of my friends and family told me that most people would be thrilled to only have “one marker” I should be happy with that. Of course, I am not one to ignore any negative health issue; I needed to resolve this in some way, somehow.”
Her cholesterol had not improved with her own efforts
Unfortunately, despite her best efforts, at the end of the year after having her bloodwork done again, her cholesterol had not improved.
After another nudge from her nurse practitioner, she decided to try Step One Foods.
“I decided to give Step One Foods a shot,” she said. “I honestly thought it appeared ‘too good to be true’ and I went into it a bit skeptical.”
Trying Step One Foods
In December of 2022, Amy began eating two servings of Step One Foods a day and quickly became a fan of most of the products and Step One Foods, overall.
“I was immediately impressed with the stellar customer service, as well as the emails that contained great articles, blogs, insights, and testimonials,” she said. “ I quickly became confident that “THIS” might actually work for me. My favorites soon became the oatmeal, the pancakes, the smoothie mix, and the chocolate crunch bars. I was shocked that I actually enjoyed eating these! I love that my day begins with either oatmeal or pancakes and “what to have for breakfast” is taken care of. Later in the day, I enjoy either a smoothie with vanilla yogurt or a chocolate crunch bar. Since I enjoy traveling, it is easy to toss the oatmeal & crunch bars in my bag.”
In March, when Amy has her bloodwork redone, she was no longer a skeptic of the power of food as medicine or Step One – her LDL cholesterol improved by 36 points!
Additional health benefits
“Needless to say, I was beyond thrilled to get the results,” she said. “My overall cholesterol went from 223 to 195, my LDL went from 159 to 123, my triglycerides went from 112 to 85 and my HDL went from 41 up to 54. An hour after I read the results in my chart, my nurse practitioner called me to say how excited she was for me. What medical professional goes out of their way to do that? How blessed I am that she passed along the option of Step One Foods & rejoiced along with me with the great results!”
With Step One, Amy achieved more than just improved cholesterol levels, she gained better health.
“I also must say that I have felt incredible the past three months,” she said. “Despite being exposed to people with colds & stomach bugs, my immune system won out.”
With her cholesterol levels in the normal range, Amy is back focused on the things that she loves.
“In addition to traveling, I’m enjoying time at the gym, time outdoors in all seasons, and going for long power walks,” she said. “ I love spending time with my husband, sons & their families. I have 4 incredible granddaughters that keep me on my toes! I retired 2 years ago and have no problem filling up my days!”
And as a former skeptic of the Step One program, Amy encourages anyone on the fence about Step One Foods to give it a try.
“I would highly recommend Step One foods to anyone looking to improve their diet, cholesterol, weight, and overall health,” she said. “It is so easy to incorporate these foods into your lifestyle and the results are simply incredible. Eating Step One Foods is the epitome of the ultimate investment! I feel like I am a walking billboard with how I am telling people/friends/family about my Step One journey! You can choose to “live to eat” or “eat to live!” Eating Step One Foods is “eating to live.”

Tested & Proven Results.
- Cardiologist formulated
- Supported by over 500 publications
- Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba
80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
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