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New product Announcement: Peanut & Almond Nut Butter!

Can Something Heart Healthy be Decadent? Introducing our Dark Chocolate Peanut Bars

Can Something Heart Healthy be Decadent? Introducing our Dark Chocolate Peanut Bars

What comes to mind when you think about heart healthy foods?

For many, the answer is something resembling flavorless cardboard — possibly with a bit of birdseed sprinkled in for good measure. After all, if it’s good for you it has to taste bad, right?


Our Bars Are Healthy and Delicious

It’s that stereotype that has us so excited to announce our newest product: the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cluster. In our initial tests, our tasters reported it was so delicious it made them feel guilty. Now that’s the kind of heart healthy we like. Foods that make both your heart and your taste buds do their happy dance.

Like every other Step One Food, the PB Clusters deliver high levels of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, plant sterols and antioxidants. And they’re made with the finest chocolate and purest peanuts.

Oh –- and we can’t stop eating them.

Why are they so delicious? It turns out two of the flavors people love most are foods that are actually good for us.


Dark chocolate

Research has shown that the flavonoids, the natural antioxidants found in high quality dark chocolate, help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain and heart. And they make blood platelets less sticky reducing the formation of blood clots which are the main cause of heart attacks and stroke.



Scientists have demonstrated that regularly eating peanuts is associated with about a 20% lower death rate from heart disease over a 5 year period. In fact, the Harvard Health Blog reports that eating peanuts appears to be just as potent for preventing heart disease as eating other nuts.

But before you run out to stock up on Reese’s Pieces, remember that it’s the ingredients –not the flavor –that has the benefit.


Made with High Quality Ingredients

Choose only high quality  dark chocolate that has at least a 70% cacao content. All the heart health benefits are in the cacao part. And remember that all those flavonoids are neutralized by milk. Even drinking a glass of milk with your dark chocolate will erase any benefits. 

As for peanuts, eat nuts that are minimally processed and not enhanced. Salted caramel peanuts are more salt and sugar than they are healthy sources of protein and fiber.

Heart healthy CAN be decadent. After you taste our Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cluster, we’re certain you’re going to agree.

Tested & Proven Results.

  • Cardiologist formulated
  • Supported by over 500 publications
  • Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba

80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

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