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Amy's Step One Success Story

Amy's Step One Success Story

Over the past 10 years, Amy’s cholesterol has steadily increased.

“My cholesterol had been going up the past few years, even while raising my statin doses,” Amy said. 

Then, she saw a local news segment featuring Step One Foods and decided to give the program a try. 

“I am getting close to retiring,” Amy said. “In looking at my overall health, I knew that wanted to make some healthy changes.”

Those healthy changes started with Step One Foods. 

In June, Amy began eating Step One's Anytime Sprinkle and snack bars twice a day. 

“I put the  sprinkles on fat-free Greek yogurt and eat it with an apple in the morning and have a bar for a snack somewhere during the day,” Amy said. “ If I eat something else for breakfast, I put the sprinkles on a salad for lunch, or maybe on apple sauce for an afternoon snack.”

After incorporating Step One into her diet, after just 30 days, Amy’s LDL cholesterol improved by more than 40 points!

“I could’t believe the drastic change,” Amy said.

Amy’s health numbers in January 2022 

Total Cholesterol: 240

HDL: 88

Triglycerides: 81

LDL: 136

Non - HDL Cholesterol:  152

Amy’s health numbers in June 2022 (30 days after starting Step One)

Total Cholesterol: 179

HDL: 61

Triglycerides: 127

LDL: 93

Non - HDL Cholesterol:  118

With such impressive results with Step One Foods, Amy’s doctor decreased her statin prescription dose.

“My doctor cut my statin dose in half and plans to test my cholesterol again in 2 months,” Amy said. “At this point, we will look at those results and make a decision about my medication dose.” 

With her health numbers headed in the right direction, Amy is now focused on losing weight and adopting an overall healthier, low cholesterol diet.

“I am turning 66 in October and want to ensure that I stay healthy and active,” Amy said. “ Currently I have a torn PCL in my knee, so my exercise has been curtailed a bit. When that heals, I hope I will get back to long walks.”

Here's how Amy prioritizes healthy longevity:

Eating for health: Anytime Sprinkles - “I love the sprinkles, you can put them on just about anything. I also like the chocolate crunch and the chocolate walnut bars.”

Daily moderate exercise: Long walks and golfing.

Social interconnectedness: Golfing, playing cards and watching live music with friends. “I love to golf and play on two leagues. But in Minnesota that only works about half the year! So, we also love to get together with friends to play cards or to go watch live music.”

Inner sense of purpose and joy: Grandchildren. “My joy is found in being a grandma to my six grandchildren. We are those grandparents that go to EVERYTHING.  Sometimes we have to divide and conquer because it truly takes a village, but we always, truly want to be with them.  My son frequently tells me "You can say no sometimes, mom."”

Tested & Proven Results.

  • Cardiologist formulated
  • Supported by over 500 publications
  • Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba

80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

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