Step One Foods Definitive Guide to Cholesterol and Statins
What Are Statins?
Statins are a group of medications used to lower cholesterol. 70 Million Americans are candidates for statin therapy, primarily on the basis of high cholesterol levels.

How Statins Work
What Are Statin Alternatives?
There are many ways to get to a better cholesterol level, and the good news is risk reduction is the same whether you get there through drugs or food. Check out our resource "Alternatives to Statin Medications" learn more.

Minimize Statin Side Effects
Why Step One Foods?
Cardiologist Elizabeth Klodas, MD developed Step One Foods to offer her patients a simple and sustainable way to reduce and maintain healthy cholesterol levels without major lifestyle changes or an over-reliance on medication. Step One Foods provides a great-tasting food-based approach that is convenient, science-based, and proven effective.
What a strategic dietary change can do for you (in as few as 30 days).

Lower total LDL Cholesterol

Lower blood pressure

Reduce inflammation & improve blood flow

Improve blood sugar

Lose weight

Clinically Proven
The Step One Foods program,
Get a baseline cholesterol test.
If you haven’t had a cholesterol test in the last 6 months, be sure to get one before starting with Step One Foods. This is how you’ll measure your success!
Enjoy two servings per day.
Substitute Step One Foods products for something you’d normally eat - you’ll find favorites for every time of day! Eat the rest of your meals like normal.
Use for at least 30 days.
To see measurable results, use the products consistently twice per day for at least 30 days. Schedule a follow-up cholesterol test for the end of your 30-day period.